Sunday, July 1, 2007

finally live from Cowes!

It has been a total shit fight for me to get on line here in Cowes. We did not have any wireless hot spots here the crew house and the one at the yacht haven kept punting me from the service. So today is the first day since Friday that I have been on line! Yikes, talk about total withdrawl!

Well what can I say about Cowes? It is bloody cold, bloody windy and oh yeah it has rained every day! And I do not mean drizzle rain, I mean full on pouring buckets at times.

We have sailed a total of 3 and a fifth races. The first day we did not have a practice mainsail and with it blowing 25-30 we did not want to risk our good mainsail. So we did not leave dock. We just got the boat sorted out. Johnny and I spend 3 hours sorting the rig out and getting it ready.

Yesterday we sailed in 15-18 knots with heavy rain. Not a lot of fun in that regard but good to get sailing. We had some decent races, some bad luck and one blown out kite. We had torn it and I tried to fix it, but it was so wet that the the spinnaker tape just did not stick enough to survive a 22 knot puff! So it is currently at the UK loft headless! Good thing it is the spare.

Today we sailed for 1/2 of the first beat, in 22-29 knots. We shattered the leech of the 3dl Mainsail. Had to withdrawl. but again it was rainy, cold and shit out. How do people live is a question that has been asked as many times as who killed JR?

Anyway, now that I have moved to the Yacht Club with the owner and Bill Abbott I will be online more and try to keep up to date. I am dead tired and I am going to sleep!


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