Thursday, July 5, 2007

Hey All

Not much good I can say about today, the weather still sucks, a bunch of us are starting a compilation for a Letterman style Top 10 "reasons why I will never come back to this hell hole". :)

Yesterday I was beat and came back to the yacht club for a nap, (I am now staying at the other RCYC). then I had to go to the sail loft to fix a shattered Code 3 Jib that we used most of the day. So I did not get a chance to post. We had a good day, with an 1oth and a 15th. Much like the J-22 Program, we are real fast downwind. If not for that we would be in serious trouble!

We are having some serious speed issues upwind that are trying to be sorted out, however there is not much you can do on 7 cylinders when every one else is using 8.

This is a shot of us yesterday with our "flower power" mainsail! (Ned if you are reading what do you think?)

Anyway, tomorrow is a early start, about the time you all are going to bed I have to wake up for a 6:00AM boat call for a round the island race. We are going to go the opposite way that America did all those years ago. It should be an absolute brilliant day for know raining like shit and real windy. What fun. That is reason 483 for me never to come back! :) :)
Cheers From lovely old England.


1 comment:

Growler said...

Tac, Love the flowered main. Will forward to our sponsor (hopefully). Sail fast, live slow.