Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sailing in the NOOD

Hey All

I have been trying to get on line for two days to just give a bit of an update, but the wireless at the hotel sucks!

We have had two good days of sailing. Yesterday was cold as....miserable actually but today the sun came out and it was a little lighter breeze wise so it was a much more comfortable day.

We on Frequent Flyer have had a good event so far. We have a string of first. Some not as easy as others. We have been lucky a few times, fast at times and just plain out crew worked most of the times.

We have a nice 12 point lead I think, I have not seen the results today, so we have to sail tomorrow. Which sucks as they are calling for cold and big big breeze tomorrow.

Again the NOOD regatta format is the best of the value sailing you can get. It was a good party last night for most and good times had by all.

Yesterday saw some awesome high speed wipeouts by ALL the teams, in the Melges 32 fleet. Those boats seem pretty fast but very twitchy!

Anyway, if we keep the string alive we will win the family competition with my brother as he had two shockers today. The first race he was 11th and the last race he finished 3rd, I think. So as long as we keep out shit together tomorrow we will have the family bragging rites as well.

I will try to get some pictures from my sister to post in the near future.


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